
barbie is hot

yah, i know i said this was all going to be signs, buildings and skies, but i'm already bored of those.  yawn. now i'm on to barbie.  barbie is hot. and watch out, cuz girlfriend is going to mazatlan in a few weeks. 
"mas don julio silver, por favor!"



so after weeks (months? years?) of my friends begging me to start a blog (read as: 'please stop the incessant and overly-written emails about things we could give a fuck about') i finally rallied.


tho draMEtia was supposed to be all about other people's shit, and how ya'll know that *I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR OTHER PEOPLE'S SHIT*. (and V and i thought it would be super fun to sick all of you therapy-needing crazies on one another.)

but not yet. what i want to talk about first is my new rock star camera. it's wicked cool! woot!  

so instead of really great advice (or the abbreviated "you can no longer talk about that re-re ever again or i will have to stick a fork in my eye"), this instead means that there are going to be tons and tons of pictures of signs, buildings and skies. (pretty exciting, no?)  which in turn leads me to wonder how i'm going to combine wannbe photography and playing monday-morning therapist for uber-shiteous relationships ...  oh! then there is football too. oh boy. so i guess ya'll should just be happy for now that the season is over ...
