
summer camp in a nutshell

9:15am ~ alarm goes off. both roomies groan that this is wayyyyy too early and that sleep is much more important.
9:20 ~ need for food overrides need for sleep. get up!
9:40 ~ first person down (usually t$) gets towels from the towel nazi and sets up camp by the pool. (for some reason we always choose a different place on each trip, but wherever we set up headquarters that first day ends up being the spot for the week.)
9:59 ~ breakfast. time to carbo load on raisin bran and bagels.
10:30 ~ assume the position! this means setting up the correct tanning angle (usually t$).
10:45 ~ group consensus that there will be NO DRINKING until after lunch.
10:47 ~ the first "who wants a mimosa?" is heard (usually t$), followed immediately by three "i do!'s"
10:50-noon ~ mimosa consumption as we post-mortem the previous nights festivities and (usually poor) alcohol-induced decisions. the first batch of nicknames is assigned.
12:00 ~ aqua gym! jdp (geek) always participates, monster = sometimes, bonnie = never. t$ brings out zoom lens and shoots the hot G.O. leading it.
12:25 ~ crazy signs! jdp & bonnie (geeks) always participate, monster = sometimes, t$ = never. instead, t$ continues to use zoom lens to scope out hot G.O.'s leading it.
12:30 ~ lunch. time to carbo load on white chocolate bread and pasta, and consume first bottle of wine for the day.
1:00 ~ back to the pool.
1:05 ~ the first "who wants a turks lemonade?" is heard (usually t$), followed immediately by three "i do!'s"
2:30-3:00 ~ time to move down to la playa, which means a quick trip to the bano and another round of beverages for the transition.
3:00-5:30 ~ the beach. depending on blood alcohol level, this time will either be spent 1) frolicking in the water or 2) passed out on the lounge chair.
5:30 ~ sharkies bar. time for french fries, chicken wraps and another round of cocktails.
6:00 ~ the quitters go back to their rooms to take naps, while the professionals keep it going with the booze.
7:30 ~ get up (quitters) or go home (boozers). it's time to shower.
8:45 ~ meet at bar for traditional glass of fine cham-pag-nah.
9:00 (until as late as you can tolerate sitting on those chairs) ~ dinner. so in addition to trying to miss as much of the show as possible, the goal is to try and scare off the rest of the people at the table. if we don't, that means that we have just met our new best friends for the week.
10:00-11:00 ~ mosey back out to the bar area. order fine cham-pag-nah (jdp) and vodka "hey can you make those a double?" sodas (two headed monster). ask bonnie if she wants anything, even tho you already know that the answer is "no." make fun of totally lame 4th grade play trying to be passed off as "entertainment." complain about lack of hot boys. judge everyone else. decide that we are, without a doubt, the coolest & "most funnest" people there.
11:00 ~ crazy signs round II. jdp & bonnie (geeks) always participate, monster = sometimes, t$ = never. instead, t$ checks out the hot G.O.'s leading it and decides if any are on her list.
11:15 ~ the first "who wants a shot?" is heard (usually t$), followed immediately by many "i do!'s"
11:30-1:00/2:00/3:00am ~ drink, dance, more drinking, more dancing, take 47 pictures (with immediate review, always) until you either 1) hook up or 2) pass out.
1:00/2:00/3:00am ~ go to bed (works for both options 1 & 2 above).
9:15 ~ alarm goes off. wake up. repeat. multiply by eight days.

after 8th day (if not before), swear that you are totally over it and never going back again. arrive home, post pictures on facebook, remember how much fun it really was after all, treat bronchitis and/or eye herpes, look up prices for october, then immediately decide that you need to go back asap.

until next time, beloved turkoise...

t$ and amigas

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