
the bachelorette: ok, who's going to be the jackass?

why jesse is, of course.

see, i'm the perfect person to ask. why? well, because in real life if there's an emotionally unavailable (or otherwise, shall we say, 'inappropriate' guy) within a 100-mile radius, i will find him. if not, he will find me. trust me on this.

and for the record, they don't start off this way. they don't wear their 'inappropriateness' on the outside. oh no, no, no. i can assure you that they almost always initially appear as most excellent choices. it's only after weeks/months/years that the wolf emerges from behind the sheep's costume.

but enough about my dysfunctional relationship judging capabilities, and on to somebody else's ~ ali's!

see, what's even more impressive re: my uncanny ablility to chose the wanker out of the population is that i am now so good at it that i can make this assessment thru the television! i can also spot the perpetrator in about 28 seconds.

that being said, jesse was the only guy i liked when he came out of the limo. as in really liked, as in swooned. yes, i really liked him despite the fact that his little into/faux joke was hella retarded. ('so ali, do you like peculiar men?) um, seriously? please tell me that he did not just say that?

of course i panicked immediately upon hearing that total lameness and thought, uh oh, my bf is gonna get kicked off FOR SURE. but thankfully he made some gay 4th grade necklace and saved his beautiful yet soon-to-be-evil self for at least one more week.

yep ~ if someone has a tattoo/wife/girlfriend/baby/rap sheet/bench warrant at home, it's jesse.

stay tuned!

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