i've felt compelled to post about aubrey for like the past year, even tho this is by no means an insightful or original observation. because let's face it ~ even helen keller could spot this train wreck a mile away. but then diddy chewed her a new one last night on making the band, which immediately made her blog-worthy.
btw, i love love LOVED her back in the beginning. she was just this cute & super groovy girl from palm springs who could dance her ass off. yes, occasionally she would bust out some dragalicious green glitter eyeshadow, but it was totally forgivable. it just made her seem even more hip and fashion-forward.
there there is NOW. wtf happened? does she not look in the mirror, EVER? did she really think that a D-cup was going to work on a 90-lb girl? and is that the reason why she is no longer a 90-lb girl? moreover, apparently decided to gain all of that weight through booze, hair extensions and make up? i just don't get it. for the life of me i do not get why she thought this was a "better look", or attractive to anyone that isn't a drag queen.
now every time i see her i think, i can't believe that diddy is putting up with this shit, not to mention her skanky ass behavior.
well that is, until last night. i can't remember how the conversation went down exactly, but it went a little something like this:
diddy: you know, i don't need you trying to be the next pamela anderson.
aubrey: i'm not! i'm not trying to be anyone. in fact, i'm not doing it for me, i'm doing it for the group, for what's best for the group.
diddy: the hell you are! look at you! where is the girl i signed? where is THAT girl?
aubrey: yah, i know. i know that i have to work on my stomach.... i know that. but puff! it's three years later. of course i'm going to change.
diddy: yah it's three years later. three years later and you're going in the wrong direction.
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