
closet shopping

don't you just love when you're cleaning out your closet and you find some totally rad pair of jeans that you bought but never wore? wait, what are these? omg, i completely forgot about these true religions... how did that happen? oh yes, it was one of those these-will-be-awesome-once-i-lose-five-pounds- purchases... ugh, lord knows i have plenty of those... oh wait, they fit now? SAH-WEET!

well who knew that it worked that way with people, too? 

last night i went out with my new friend M. well, the new friend that i've actually known for 5 years. but it wasn't until we ran into each other a few weeks ago at the mayan (and ended up hanging out for the entire night) that we realized, omfg, we are soooo much alike it's scary.
that big epiphany prompted a proper meeting, you know, the one where you get to dust off the first date 101 book and ask all of those rudimentary questions like, "so, where did you grow up?" and "do you have any brothers or sisters?" however, those quickly evolve into totally fascinating topics like, "ooooh, you sing? i had NO idea..." and "you have fake hair?! yah, i was wondering why your head felt like a robot!"  (deep stuff, i'm tellin ya.)

so here's to new friends, old friends, and cleaning out your closet. because those rad pair of jeans are totally wasted if you don't realize you even have them. 


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