so how's this for ironic: the most tia-friendly, hag-loving and entertaining episode EVER, and i'm completely uninspired to write about it. (thus the 4pm post.)
it wasn't even until i was driving home from dinner last night that i remembered oh yah, it's wednesday. project runway night. yawn. i wonder what the shiteous challenge is going to be this week? designing new uniforms for the waiters at denny's? omg, torture. i just can't bear another round of lameness, i just can't...
fast forward twenty minutes to me turning on my tv (and brain), and then omg! that's right! it's the tranny's! i heart tranny's! yae! clap clap clap!
i'm probably not motivated to write because i don't have anything evil and snarky to say. (ha!) but seriously, as you know, the "funny not shitty/shitty not funny" thing goes hand in hand, and i truthfully ain't feeling either this morning (now afternoon). also, since it was just 50 minutes of pure entertainment, i'm not even sure it needs dissecting.
but let's do it anyway!
so how fun were the queens?!?!? super fun! especially on the runway. kind of makes you want to see them model every week, doesn't it? i was also hoping that chris march was going to be the judge, but of course it had to be rupaul. of course. silly me! (quick little sidebar: has it really been that long since rupaul was famous? because he/she is looking really loooong in the tooth. i found her sunken cheekbones especially alarming. what's up with that?)
when they first all walked out on the runway to introduce themselves, my eyes went right to acid betty ~ i would have picked her for sure. because the rest of them were just garden-variety drag, but i liked how betty looked like a retro-yet-futuristic-david bowie on some serious hallucinogenics. but what about jerrell's model? she didn't even look like a man! i mean, she looked like a really ugly woman that kind of looked like a man... ok, maybe that was her point.
the names were fucking awesome too ~ hedda lettuce? annida greenkard? miss understood?farrah moans? sharon needles? (oh oh oh i just got that one! HA!) however, hedda should change her name right now to "miss drametia bossy whorebag." granted, i wasn't in hearts with that crazy brussel sprouts outfit either, but hello missy, look what you do for a living! you are the LAST person that should be calling something tacky or inappropriate. oy.
when i wasn't being highly entertained by all of the fabulousness, i noticed that it seems as if there are a few themes emerging as each week passes. things like the person that you're sure is going to bomb the challenge is actually going to end up winning, that there will always be at least one brilliant quote, that the gay boys that you have a soft spot for are skating on thinner and thinner ice, that a new crazy emerges every time, and finally, the person you're convinced is a serial killer actually says something wicked funny.
translation: i have absolutely no idea as to how in hell this season is going to end.
ONE: the person that you're sure is going to bomb the challenge is actually going to end up winning.
ok, raise your hand if you took just one look at homophobic joe and anne margar(ita) conversing and thought "heyyyy match made in hell! buy bye!" yah, me too. but then next thing you know, he's whipping up a pink sequin jumpsuit with a strategically placed belt to "hide the jewels" and walking off with the win. unfuckinbelievable.
TWO: there will always be at least one brilliant quote.
and this week goes to tim: "well blayne, it looks like a terradactyl out of a gay jurassic park."
THREE: the gays boys that you have a soft spot for are skating on thinner and thinner ice.
(and by "you" of course i mean "me.") regardless, in this case daniel's thin ice snapped right in half, didn't it? for what it's worth, i did really like his dress and i thought the colors were gorge. i also believe that he's really talented, but until he pulls his bitchy head out of his tight ass, he's going to remain the angry & defensive cocktail dress maker.
FOUR: a new crazy emerges every time.
did you see terri sitting on the couch next to joe after he won and came backstage? oooooooh girlfriend was NOT happy. she was so bitter it actually kind of scared me a bit. i also didn't get the sense that she would see the footage now and think, "oh shit! they got that on camera?" instead i'm fairly confident that she was thinking "this is BULLSHIT and i don't care who knows it! i lost a DRAG QUEEN challenge to this white trash guido just because he cleverly disguised his client's PENIS? this fucking SUCKS and don't you DARE try and talk to me about it. don't you DARE!" which now that i think about it, it wouldn't actually surprise me if terri had had a little transgender thing going on herself. yah, the only time i've really seen her smile or laugh was when she was in the room with all of ... omg, her people.
FIVE: the person you're convinced is a serial killer actually says something wicked funny.
this also could have gone under #2, but i gotta give leanne a special shout out for having a personality for a change. she was just too damn funny when she was bitching about blayne. "oh blayne, blayne... everything is "licious": girlicious, tanlicious, fabbylicious... seriously, i swear if he says it one more time i'm going to barf... which would be 'barflicious', i guess...." funny! leanne made a funny! but more importantly, she wasn't wearing those crazy glasses and sweating profusely as she said it.
SIX: everything i just pointed out will be completely obsolete by next week.
i have a feeling that it's all downhill from here, friends.
good post tia! it was worth the wait!!
agreed- i'm way behind and this was a great read.
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