omfg, when did this happen?!?! WHEN? clearly i wasn't paying attention, because suddenly one day i turned into my own worst nightmare.
i used to give my friends soooo much shit (jkp in particular) for watching tely every day, especially reality tv. i was very proud to say ~ and still am ~ that i have never seen one episode of the bachelor. or the bachelorette. or survivor. or amazing race. or flava of love. (i have standards, you know.)
however, now about the only thing i can say is, "well, at least i'm watching cable, not farm-fed-middle-america-wonderbread-network-crap." (as if that's any better.) tho once the biggest loser comes back on in september, even that won't be true.
so, eh... nevermind.
so back to the hijacking of my brain... about the only time i ever watched tv was on sunday ~ 12 hours of NFL programming, to be exact. which of course is not only acceptable but totally and completely cool. (right?) then, well... well i'm not quite sure what happened. maybe it's when i got my flat screen. or maybe it was when i decided that 20 years or whatever of working out was more than enough, and that my free time would be much better spent sitting on my ass eating candy. or maybe it was the day i realized that making the band was like the most entertaining thing i had ever seen in my life. regardless, whatever was going on beforehand escalated to an ALARMING level when i got tiVo at the beginning of the year.
behold the following ~
paranormal state
i want to work for diddy
date my ex: joe and slade
million dollar listing
project runway
shear genius
america's best dance crew 2
kathy griffin: my life on the d-list
the soup
nothing, believe it or not
the two coreys
mad men (look ~a real tv show)
not too bad, you say? well probably because that list doesn't include all of the random shows that record in the middle of the night, like deranged (each episode is about a different serial killer) or snapped (about women who lose their shit and kill their boyfriend/ fiancee/ husband/ lover/ lover's wife). then there are all of my super geeky shows for rainman, like the universe, extreme engineering, when we left earth: the nasa missions, modern marvels or cities of the underworld. and THEN there are the shows that will soon be in the mix, or at least i wish they were: the real world/road rules challenge, making the band, the biggest loser, the new 90210, make me a supermodel (preferably the UK version), step it up and dance... ok i'm going to stop now.
however, to defend myself just a little, it is the ultimate form of a mini-escape. movies are too long and too involved for my ADD-brain, and i'm usually flipping through a magazine 15-20 minutes into it ~ getting me to pay attention to anything past that point is HUGE.
and since "escape" for me for many years meant a either bottle+ of chardonnay, valium, xanax or god knows how many bong loads (or all of the above), i'm going to say that this is probably the least harmful out of all of my addictions. the least cool, most certainly, but at least i won't need a liver transplant at the end of it all.
maybe just a brace for the carpel tunnel that i'm already starting to get from fast forwarding through all of the commercials.
with a HUGE amount of shame, i must admit that i watch tons of "tv" on my laptop because joejoe bean and i got rid of TV about 10 months ago. i seriously watch more crap now than i ever did before (um, yeah, i fully watched the entire season of Legally Blonde The Musical: The Search For Elle Woods - oh the shame, the HORROR!)
miss you and our little making of the band season finale party :)
xoxo, me
oh, i watched legally blonde as well. which is even more shameful for me since i like neither the movie OR musicals.
but funny how i conveniently forgot to mention that one... ha!
(ps: i knew bailey was going to win. soooo obvious.)
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