
project runway: tick tock

so in a shocking turn of events, suede is eliminated and kenley is an annoying, bratty bitch.


seriously, i wasn't even going to post anything this week ~ not so much because the subject matter is getting more boring by the minute, but in this instance i just simply forgot. (which really kind of sums it all up, doesn't it?) but then poor jocey may was so desperate to vent about kenley that she was forced to do that on a post about home improvement, of all things. so my dear jocey baby, this one's for you. xo!

um, where was i? oh yah, suede was thankfully sent packing and kenley is a whorebag... yes. but let's face it ~ kenley's outfit was WAY WORSE. and not just because it was far more new jersey mall rat than anything remotely hip hop (which was bad enough in itself), but i was positive that that misfire, coupled with her shitty attitude, would have sent her home for sure. 

tho i can't help but think ~ actually, KNOW ~ that the judges are still scarred from their first final four, when wendy pepper actually, by some total miracle, didn't design a southern ball gown for a 60-year old woman and won that emmy challenge, thereby leaving the uber-fabby austin scarlet out of the final. so given the potential of that scenario happening again, i'm sure their thinking was that they'd rather see 12 balenciaga rip-offs from veruca salt that some mars attacks! costume extravagaza from suede. talk about the lesser of two evils.

btw, if jerell doesn't win this year i'm going to have a coronary. i think he's the only talented and likable one of the bunch. not to mention, the thought of ever having to see or listen to the serial killer again scares me more than watching paranormal state at 1:30am. which, let me tell ya, is fuckin' SCARY.


1 comment:

Jocy May said...

thank you my dear for posting. i waited patiently and then just had to comment on another post (nice job, btw of the home improvements- you're quite the DIY queen :)
i totally agree with your assessment of why suede got the boot- i also think it has something to do with the producers having a sick bet amongst themselves that if kenley goes off one more time on heidi or tim, she will get bitch slapped... and let's face it- that's just good tv.