i know, i know. i'm thinking the same thing:
"uh, we're only on day 4??? how long is this damn blog going to be, anyway?"
but i warned you that for two people who seemingly weren't doing anything, we were obviously having quite an adventure. that being said, i will try and stick to the highlight reel from now on.
the safe keys arrive! woot! adain sent them down on the bus (true story) and spicoli opened it up for us. i have never been so happy to see my iPod in my life.
we decide to spend the day at tropical latino since they have a great beach, a loo, a pool and some really tasty guacamole. and now that we have our cards back it's time to head to the bank. i had heard that the atm's down there only bat about 50%, and to be prepared to go into the bank w/ your passport. sure enough, that's what we had to do. which normally is just a pain in the ass, but down here it's a pain in the ass and pretty damn serious as well. the guard was pacing in front with a semi-automatic, and he wouldn't let us wear our hats or sunglasses inside. we also had to leave all of our "metal" with him, which includes cameras. i did pause for a moment before i put my beloved camera in the drawer and thought, "ok, do i realllllly need to go into the bank?" but i'm sure ya'll know the answer to that question by now.
went to sushi for dinner, which was amazing. yes it really was that good (ahi tuna & avacado salad) but it also was nice to eat something healthy for a change. after dinner, we walked down to D&N, which was supposedly the happenin' place that night.
OMFG. nooooooooooooo.
first of all, the whole town is dirt(y), but this bar was on a dirt road off of the main dirt road. and it was dark. and deserted. and these two teenagers we following us, trying to chat us up a bit. so we stopped mid-way to get rid of them, while we evaluated the situation. once we looked down at the bar and realized that NO ONE was there, literally no one, we were outty. not that we went to costa rica for the nightlife, but even in the most casual sense it's pretty lame this time of year. shit, not even lame. it's a ghost town.
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