
costa rica, day 7

tortuga island!

"miss h. wakes up a hot tranny mess." ha! as i recall, this was from the two JUMBO pina coladas she had for oops i mean 'at' dinner. (but they are always sooooo good on the front end, aren't they?) jeez, what a day to go snorkeling. poor miss h!  but she rallies and we're off to montezuma once again.

tortuga felt like being the caribbean. gorgeous.  the snorkeling was amazing! there were so many fish (and no loch ness monster, thank god.)  first we dropped two of our guides off on the main island so they could prepare our lunch while we were off having a good time.  the guide that stayed with us jumped in and caught a puffer fish (yes, with his hands) then antagonized the hell out of him so that we could see him puffed out to the max.  yah, i felt slightly bad, tho must admit that it was totally worth the entertainment factor.

went back to the island for lunch and it wasn't as deserted as i thought it would be. it actually looked like a cross between club med and a mall in valencia.  you could see that the palm trees were intentionally planted in these perfect lines, and there was also a GIANT gift shop. cheese-o-rama. but if you were facing the water you could pretend you were in the middle of nowhere, so that's what we did.  we ate lunch (which was super yummy, btw, even tho it looked like prison food) and passed up on round II of snorkeling and instead chose to plant our lazy butts under a tree. (hey! we were very tired from all of the activity so far! this was a big day for us!)

back in montezuma, we got the best homemade ice cream, ever, even tho i knew there would be hell to pay later for little miss lactose-intolerant.  we were also quite pleased to get back to the car to find that our cheez-it's hadn't been stolen like we had anticipated.

we were definitely in agreement that this was our sweatiest and dirtiest day yet... i believe miss h's exact quote upon getting back to the car was "you know, i feel about as good as this car looks!" of course this also had to be the same day we got booted out of the deluxe zebra room and into the standard room -- aka THE VERY VERY SMALL ROOM.  (we joked that it was like moving from my apartment into hers.)  and not only was this room smaller, but there was no mini-bar. bloody hell! however, the icing on the cake had to be the four screaming monkeys in the pool -- noooo, not the cute little howler monkeys -- we're talking KIDS. yae! MY FAVORITE.  ugh. 

todd and stacy had been kicked out of their big room too that day, so we deduced that two families got our old, fancy rooms with the mini-bar and the blow dryer as we were carted off to the top of the hill. soooo unfair. quickly ran off to get sushi for dinner and hid for the rest of the night.  

but kids!?!?!?  shit, i thought we were in costa rica. not at circus-fuckin'-circus.  


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