but just so you can be as annoyed as i am, i'll give you this one final post re: the subject.
so after the initial "omg! i! have! life!-altering! news! to! tell! you!", all i got from him was a text message every friday, saying something along the lines of, "sorry i've been so busy and important, but we should catch up soon!" of course i responded to NONE of those bullshit messages, then last friday i got this gem of an email:
"Hey Hey Hey
So, I know you're not talkin to me. Ugh. But regardless, I would like to appeal to your kindness and humanity. I have a good friend who's interested in advertising, a young girl. I thought you might be an interesting mentor to give her some advice. Pretty please?
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T"
ok, this is obviously wrong on SO MANY LEVELS that i can't even be bothered to dissect it...
'ugh' is right.
1 comment:
i could just poke that man in the eye, i swear!
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