

sorry, my loyal readers, but i still don't know what the boy's "big news" is/was. and i'll admit that i was half-inclined to get in touch with him just so ya'll would know, but there is NO WAY i'm going to be able to rally... after four years of the same broken record i'm just soooooo over it already. 

but just so you can be as annoyed as i am, i'll give you this one final post re: the subject.

so after the initial "omg! i! have! life!-altering! news! to! tell! you!",  all i got from him was a text message every friday, saying something along the lines of, "sorry i've been so busy and important, but we should catch up soon!"  of course i responded to NONE of those bullshit messages, then last friday i got this gem of an email:

"Hey Hey Hey
So, I know you're not talkin to me. Ugh. But regardless, I would like to appeal to your kindness and humanity. I have a good friend who's interested in advertising, a young girl. I thought you might be an interesting mentor to give her some advice. Pretty please?
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T"

ok, this is obviously wrong on SO MANY LEVELS that i can't even be bothered to dissect it...

'ugh' is right.

1 comment:

Jocy May said...

i could just poke that man in the eye, i swear!