
project runway: me sorta gusta

#5 KEITH. the truth is that i like keith a lot more than i like his designs. he's TMT ~ totally my type. and since i'm pretty sure that no self-respecting homo would wear the glasses that he does (the kind your parents make you wear in 4th grade)  i'm fairly confident that he's straight. then again, i sort of thought rami was straight too, until he got all diva and bitchy on jillian. ooops. so, yah, liked this dress -- especially the top -- tho after repeated viewings i'm starting to realize that the bottom portion might be borderline hideous. keith also made a similar dress out of the aforementioned unacceptable tablecloth last week, but i'm kind of letting both slide. yes, he's getting the cute pass, even tho i know i will be punished for this later on. (grade B-)

#6 STELLA. stella is clearly alice cooper's long lost sister. long lost ugly sister. and that accent! and all of that talk about leather!  OY. hopefully she will be outta there soon, but i have to give her props for this dress ~ especially after that garbage bag fiasco from last week. (grade C+)

#7 TERRI. this dress is nice, it just doesn't scream "cocktail" to me. the jury is out on terri for now. (grade C+)

#8 BLAYNE. my boy!  i actually found him more entertaining than annoying this week. and while i'm not totally digging this 80's flashback dress, he gets points for not sending another jumbo diaper down the runway. (grade C)

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